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Cluster SMAB receives silver label

With the "go-cluster" programme, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy supports the further development of cluster management organisations. One of these support services concerns the promotion of excellent cluster management according to the criteria of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. The experience of recent years shows that participation in the Silver Label process offers many important impulses for the further development and quality improvement of cluster management organisations.

In May 2013, the Cluster Special-Purpose Machine and Plant Engineering (SMAB) was the first top cluster in Saxony-Anhalt to be positively evaluated in the federal initiative of the BMWi "go-cluster Excellent vernetzt" and was awarded the bronze label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative in March 2014 through a successful benchmarking process.
In January 2018 the Cluster Sondermaschinen und Anlagenbau was successfully certified with the silver label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative.

The cluster has documented with the Silver Label that it is constantly and successfully implementing the benchmarking proposals for action and optimisation. The Silver Label is a proof of quality for cluster management. The BMWi actively supports the further development of excellence in cluster management in order to promote its long-term national and international competitiveness.
Over the next two years, the cluster management organisation will be able to use the silver label as proof of quality in its activities and public relations work.

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